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Vacuum Sealing Caps

for Wine Bottles

Advice: Vacuum Sealing Caps for Wine Bottles.

It is now possible to open a good bottle of wine and only have a glass without the rest going off in the refrigerator. Reducing oxygenation of wine by vacuum sealing caps will delay the wine getting sour. Even wine in bottles supplied with a screw-on top will benefit from the wine bottle vacuum sealing caps. Red wine if stored under vacuum in its original bottle can keep its fresh taste for over a week. A wine bottle vacuum sealing cap can be used with all the models of Lava vacuum packing machines.
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The Lava V 300 - Premium.

The V300 PREMIUM has both manual and automatic functions and makes vacuum packing large quantities of produce easy. The V300 PREMIUM has a pressure gauge and a variable pressure valve, which makes it possible lower your pressure. This is handy when vacuuming softer food items quickly and efficiently.
Made in Germany. 2-year Warranty.
lava vacuum sealer v300 premium 15
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